Saturday, June 18, 2011

Your phone has more computing power than all of NASA in 1969. What extraordinary thing have you done today? #noexcuses

I’ve been pushing myself to finish my PhD before 2012. This has been due, in part, to some internal departmental factors inside the CS department at UC. But, I’ve been reading quite a few Economics and Mathematical System papers, and when modeling my life (from an Economics point of view), I’ve come to the conclusion that every year pursuing my PhD, is costing me quite a lot of money. Far from living my life based on money, but this makes quite an impact when you look at the numbers… One could argue that I am basing myself on the expectation of what I could be earning… but, either way, I’m using this as an extra incentive.

I’m taking on a very focused attitude on “no excuses” as well. I’ve been swimming at least 3x a week to get back in shape, coding away at work and for my simulations, and writing papers like there’s no tomorrow… If you lost your way and ended up here today, good for you. Take up the #noexcuses challenge with me and leave comments with your results!

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